The manakai project


GPX parser


  use Web::GPX::Parser;
  my $parser = Web::GPX::Parser->new;
  $parsed = $parser->parse_document ($document);


The Web::GPX::Parser module is an implementation of the GPX parser. It accept a DOM document, which is expected to contain a GPX document, as the input, and returns a data structure that represents feed properties and entries extracted from the input document.

The module supports GPX 1.1 and a few extensions.


$parser = Web::GPX::Parser

Create a GPX parser object.

$parsed = $parser->parse_document ($document)

Parse the input document and return the result object, if the document contains a GPX, or the undef value otherwise.


The input document must be an object implementing the DOM Document interface using the DOM Perl Binding <>, such as the Web::DOM::Document module <>.


A GPX document, after parsing, is represented as a Perl hash reference $parsed, which has zero or more of following key/value pairs:

$person = $parsed->{author}

A person data structure, representing the author of the GPX document, if any.

$string = $parsed->{desc}

The description of the GPX document, if any.

$string = $parsed->{generator}

The description of the generating agent of the GPX document, if any.

$string = $parsed->{keywords}

The keywords of the GPX document, if any.

$license = $parsed->{license}

A licenes data structure, representing the license of the GPX document, if any.

($link, ...) = @{$parsed->{links}}

Zero or more links associated with the GPX document.

$number = $parsed->{max_lat}

The maximum latitude of the target area of the GPX document, if any. Note that it might be less than $parsed->{min_lat}.

$number = $parsed->{min_lat}

The minimum latitude of the target area of the GPX document, if any.

$number = $parsed->{max_lon}

The maximum longitude of the target area of the GPX document, if any. Note that it might be less than $parsed->{min_lon}.

$number = $parsed->{min_lon}

The minimum longitude of the target area of the GPX document, if any.

($route, ...) = @{$parsed->{routes}}

Zero or more route data structures, representing routes in the GPX document. There is always a routes member in the data strucuture.

$timestamp = $parsed->{timestamp}

The timestamp of the GPX document, if any. The value, if any, is a Web::DateTime object representing the time.

$tz = $parsed->{time_zone_offset}

The time-zone offset of the GPX document, if any. The value, if any, is a Web::DateTime::TimeZone object representing the time-zone offset.

($track, ...) = @{$parsed->{tracks}}

Zero or more track data structures, representing tracks in the GPX document. There is always a tracks member in the data strucuture.

$timestamp = $parsed->{updated}

The modified time of the GPX document, if any. The value, if any, is a Web::DateTime object representing the time.

($point, ...) = @{$parsed->{waypoints}}

Zero or more point data structures, representing waypoints in the GPX document. There is always a waypoints member in the data strucuture.

A point is represented as a Perl hash reference $point, which has zero or more of following key/value pairs:

$number = $point->{accuracy}

The accuracy value for the point, if any.

$number = $point->{age_of_dgps_data}

The age of the DGPS data for the point, if any.

$number = $point->{cadence}

The cadence value for the point, if any.

$string = $point->{comment}

The comment of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{depth}

The depth value for the point, if any.

$string = $point->{desc}

The description of the point, if any.

$integer = $point->{dgps_id}

The DGPS ID for the point, if any.

$number = $point->{distance}

The distance value for the point, if any.

$number = $point->{to_distance}

The to-distance value for the point, if any.

$number = $point->{elevation}

The elevation of the point, if any.

$string = $point->{fix}

The "fix" data of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{geoid_height}

The geoid height of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{hdop}

The "hdop" value of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{heartrate}

The heartrate value for the point, if any.

$number = $point->{lat}

The latitude of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{lon}

The longitude of the point, if any.

($link, ...) = @{$point->{links}}

Zero or more links associated with the point.

$number = $point->{magnetic_variation}

The magnetic variation of the point, if any.

$string = $point->{name}

The name of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{pdop}

The "pdop" value of the point, if any.

$string = $point->{point_role}

The point role of the point, if any. Note that the value might not be a valid point role string.

$number = $point->{power}

The power value for the point, if any.

$string = $point->{road_type}

The road type of the point, if any. Note that the value might not be a valid road type string.

$integer = $point->{satelite_count}

The number of satelites for the point, if any.

$string = $point->{source}

The source of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{speed}

The speed value for the point, if any.

$string = $point->{symbol_name}

The symbol name of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{temperature}

The temperature for the point, if any.

$timestamp = $point->{timestamp}

The timestamp of the point, if any. The value, if any, is a Web::DateTime object representing the time.

$string = $point->{type}

The type of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{vdop}

The "vdop" value of the point, if any.

$number = $point->{water_temperature}

The water temperature for the point, if any.

A route is represented as a Perl hash reference $route, which has zero or more of following key/value pairs:

$string = $route->{comment}

The comment of the route, if any.

$string = $route->{desc}

The desc of the route, if any.

($links, ...) = @{$route->{links}}

The links associated with the route.

$string = $route->{name}

The name of the route, if any.

$number = $route->{number}

The number of the route, if any.

($point, ...) = @{$route->{points}}

Zero or more point data structures, representing the points in the route. There is always a points member in the data strucuture.

$string = $route->{source}

The source of the route, if any.

$string = $route->{type}

The type of the route, if any.

A track is represented as a Perl hash reference $track, which has zero or more of following key/value pairs:

$string = $track->{comment}

The comment of the route, if any.

$string = $track->{desc}

The desc of the route, if any.

($link, ...) = @{$track->{links}}

Zero or more links associated with the track.

$string = $track->{name}

The name of the route, if any.

$number = $track->{number}

The number of the route, if any.

($segment, ...) = @{$track->{segments}]

Zero or more track segment data structures, representing the segments in the track. There is always a segments member in the data strucuture.

$string = $track->{source}

The source of the route, if any.

$string = $track->{type}

The type of the route, if any.

A track segment is represented as a Perl hash reference $segment, which has zero or more of following key/value pair:

($point, ...) = @{$segment->{points}}

Zero or more point data structures, representing the points in the route. There is always a points member in the data strucuture.

A person is represented as a Perl hash reference $person, which has zero or more of following key/value pairs:

$string = $person->{email}

The email address of the person, if any. Note that the value might or might not be a valid email address.

$string = $person->{name}

The name of the person, if any.

$url = $person->{url}

The canonicalized absolute URL of the Web page of the person, if any.

A link is represented as a Perl hash reference $link, which has one or more of following key/value pairs:

$string = $person->{text}

The link label text of the link, if any.

$string = $person->{mime_type}

The advisory MIME type string of the link, if any.

$url = $person->{url}

The canonicalized absolute URL of the link destination.

A license is represented as a Perl hash reference $licenes, which has zero or more of following key/value pairs:

$string = $license->{holder}

The license holder, if any.

$url = $license->{url}

The canonicalized absolute URL of the Web page of the license, if any.

$integer = $license->{year}

The year of the license in AD, if any.


GPX Parsing <>.


Wakaba <>.


Copyright 2016-2021 Wakaba <>.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.