The manakai project


DOM Document object


The Web::DOM::Document class implements the DOM Document interface, which represents an HTML or XML document.


In addition to the methods of classes Web::DOM::EventTarget, Web::DOM::Node, Web::DOM::ParentNode, and Web::DOM::XPathEvaluator, following methods are available:

$doc = new Web::DOM::Document

Create a new document object. [DOM]

$node = $doc->adopt_node ($node)

Change the node document (i.e. the owner_document attribute value) of the specified node and its descendant nodes to the document. [DOM] [HTML]

$bool = $doc->all_declarations_processed
$doc->all_declarations_processed ($bool)

Return or set the [all declarations processed] property value of the document. [MANAKAI]

$el = $doc->atom_feed_element

Return the document element, if it is the atom:feed element. [ATOMDOM]

$el = $doc->body
$doc->body ($el)

Return or set the body element of the document (i.e. the body element or the frameset element). [HTML]

$string = $doc->character_set
$string = $doc->input_encoding
$string = $doc->charset
$doc->input_encoding ($string)

Return or set the canonical encoding label of the document. [DOM] [MANAKAI]

$string = $doc->manakai_charset
$doc->manakai_charset ($string)

Return or set the charset parameter value of the Content-Type metadata, if any. [MANAKAI]

$string = $doc->compat_mode

Return BackComat if the document is in the quirks mode, or CSS1Compat otherwise. [DOM]

$string = $doc->manakai_compat_mode
$doc->manakai_compat_mode ($string)

Get or set the mode of the document. The value can be one of: no quirks, limited quirks, and quirks. [MANAKAI]

$string = $doc->content_type

Return the MIME type of the document. [DOM]

$attr = $doc->create_attribute ($local_name)

Create a new attribute (Web::DOM::Attr) with the specified name and empty value. [DOM]

$attr = $doc->create_attribute_ns ($nsurl, $qname)
$attr = $doc->create_attribute_ns ($nsurl, [$prefix, $local_name])

Create a new attribute (Web::DOM::Attr) with the specified namespace URL and qualified name. [DOM]

The qualified name can be represented as an array reference, where the first item is the prefix (or undef for the null namespace) and the second item is the local name. [DOMPERL]

$adef = $doc->create_attribute_definition ($name)

Create an attribute definition (Web::DOM::AttributeDefinition) with the specified name. [DOMDTDEF]

$doc->create_cdata_section ($text)

Throw a "NotSupportedError" exception. The CDATASection interface is obsolete. [MANAKAI]

$comment = $doc->create_comment ($data)
$comment = $doc->create_comment (\$data)

Create a new comment (Web::DOM::Comment) with the specified data. [DOM]

$dt = $doc->create_document_type_definition ($name)

Create a new document type (Web::DOM::DocumentType) with the specified name. [DOMDTDEF]

$el = $doc->create_element ($local_name)

Create a new element (Web::DOM::HTMLElement) with the specified local name (in the HTML namespace if the document is an HTML or XHTML document, or in the null namespace otherwise). [DOM] [HTML] [MANAKAI]

$el = $doc->create_element_ns ($nsurl, $qname)
$el = $doc->create_element_ns ($nsurl, [$prefix, $local_name])

Create a new element (Web::DOM::Element) with specified namespace URL and qualified name. [DOM] [HTML] [MANAKAI]

The qualified name can be represented as an array reference, where the first item is the prefix (or undef for the null namespace) and the second item is the local name. [DOMPERL]

$et = $doc->create_element_type_definition ($name)

Create a new element type definition (Web::DOM::ElementTypeDefinition) with the specified name. [DOMDTDEF]

$doc->create_entity_reference ($name)

Throw a "NotSupportedError" exception. The EntityReference interface is obsolete. [MANAKAI]

$ev = $doc->create_event ($interface)

Create an event object. The argument specifies the kind of the object, e.g. Event, CustomEvent, or MouseEvent. [DOM]

This method is considered as legacy. Use Web::DOM::Event's (or its subclass'es) new method instead.

$ent = $doc->create_general_entity ($name)

Create a general entity (Web::DOM::Entity) with the specified name. [DOMDTDEF]

$ni = $doc->create_node_iterator ($root, $what_to_show, $filter)

Create a new node iterator (Web::DOM::NodeIterator). [DOM]

The first argument is required, specifying the root node of the iterator. Second and third arguments are optional, representing bit vector of node types and code reference, both used to filter candidate nodes. For the bit vector, see "CONSTANTS" in Web::DOM::TreeWalker. The code reference would be invoked with an argument ($_[1]) which is the node in question. The code is expected to return whether the node is accepted or not, using one of constants from "CONSTANTS" in Web::DOM::TreeWalker.

$notation = $doc->create_notation ($name)

Create a notatioon (Web::DOM::Notation) with the specified name. [DOMDTDEF]

$text = $doc->create_text_node ($data)
$text = $doc->create_text_node (\$data)

Create a new text node (Web::DOM::Text) with the given character string. [DOM]

$touch = $doc->create_touch ($view, $target, $identifier, $page_x, $page_y, $screen_x, $screen_y)

Create a new Web::DOM::Touch with the specified arguments. [TOUCH]

$list = $doc->create_touch_list ($touch1, $touch2, ...)

Create a new Web::DOM::TouchList with the specified Web::DOM::Touches. [TOUCH]

$tw = $doc->create_tree_walker ($root, $what_to_show, $filter)

Create a new tree walker (Web::DOM::TreeWalker). [DOM]

The first argument is required, specifying the root node of the tree walker. Second and third arguments are optional, representing bit vector of node types and code reference, both used to filter candidate nodes. For the bit vector, see "CONSTANTS" in Web::DOM::TreeWalker. The code reference would be invoked with an argument ($_[1]) which is the node in question. The code is expected to return whether the node is accepted, rejected, or skipped, using one of constants from "CONSTANTS" in Web::DOM::TreeWalker.

$pi = $doc->create_processing_instruction ($target, $data)

Create a new processing instruction node (Web::DOM::ProcessingInstruction) with the specified target and data. [DOM] [MANAKAI]

$text = $doc->dir
$doc->dir ($text)

Return or set the dir attribute of the html element, if any. [HTML]

$dt = $doc->doctype

Return the Web::DOM::DocumentType node of the document, if any. [DOM]

$el = $doc->document_element

Return the document element of the document, if any. [DOM]

$config = $doc->dom_config

Return the Web::DOM::Configuration object for the document. [DOM3CORE] [MANAKAI]

$col = $doc->embeds
$col = $doc->plugins

Return the Web::DOM::HTMLCollection object containing the embed elements in the document. [HTML]

$string = $doc->manakai_entity_base_uri
$doc->manakai_entity_base_uri ($string)

Return or set the base URL of the document entity (not of the document). [DOMDTDEF]

See also "DEPENDENCY" in Web::DOM.

$col = $doc->forms

Return the Web::DOM::HTMLCollection object containing the form elements in the document. [HTML]

$el = $doc->get_element_by_id ($id)

Return the element whose ID is equal to the argument, if any, or undef. [DOM]

$col = $doc->get_elements_by_name ($name)

Return the Web::DOM::NodeList containing the elements whose name is equal to the specified value. [HTML] [MANAKAI]

$bool = $doc->manakai_has_bom
$doc->manakai_has_bom ($bool)

Return or set whether the byte representation of the document has the BOM or not. [MANAKAI]

$el = $doc->head
$el = $doc->manakai_head [DEPRECATED]

Return the head element of the document, if any, or undef. [HTML] [MANAKAI]

$el = $doc->manakai_html

Return the html element of the document, if any, or undef. [MANAKAI]

$col = $doc->images

Return the Web::DOM::HTMLCollection object containing the img elements in the document. [HTML]

$impl = $doc->implementation

Return the Web::DOM::Implementation object associated to the document. [DOM]

$node2 = $doc->import_node ($node1, $deep)

Return the newly-created clone of the specified node, belonging to the document. If the second argument is set to the true value, any descendant nodes are also cloned. [DOM] [DOMATTREXODUS] [HTML] [MANAKAI]

$bool = $doc->manakai_is_html
$doc->manakai_is_html ($bool)

Return or set whether the document is an HTML document or not. [MANAKAI]

$bool = $doc->manakai_is_srcdoc
$doc->manakai_is_srcdoc ($bool)

Return or set whether the document is an iframe srcdoc document or not. [MANAKAI]

$doc->manakai_set_url ($string)

Set the document's address. [MANAKAI]

See also "DEPENDENCY" in Web::DOM.

Return the Web::DOM::HTMLCollection object containing the HTML a or area elements with the href attribute in the document. [HTML]

$col = $doc->scripts

Return the Web::DOM::HTMLCollection object containing the HTML script elements in the document. [HTML]

$bool = $doc->strict_error_checking
$doc->strict_error_checking ($bool)

Return or set whether some error checks should be skipped or not. [DOM3CORE] [MANAKAI]

$string = $doc->title
$doc->title ($string)

Return or set the title of the document. [HTML] [SVG]

$string = $doc->url
$string = $doc->document_uri

Return the URL of the document (or the document's address). [DOM] [HTML]

$string = $doc->xml_encoding
$doc->xml_encoding ($string)

Return or set the encoding pseudo-attribute value of the XML declaration of the document, if it is an XML document. The undef value represents omission of the pseudo-attribute. [DOM3CORE] [MANAKAI]

$bool = $doc->xml_standalone
$doc->xml_standalone ($bool)

Return or set the standalone pseudo-attribute value of the XML declaration of the document, if it is an XML document. The true value represents the true attribute value, while the false value represents the false attribute value. [DOM3CORE]

$string = $doc->xml_version
$doc->xml_version ($string)

Return or set the XML version of the document. The value must be 1.0 or 1.1. This is the value of the version pseudo-attribute of the XML declaration of the document, if it is an XML document. [DOM3CORE]

Additionally, the following obsolete methods are available: all, anchors, applets, and clear. [HTML]



DOM Standard <>.


DOM Standard <view-source:>.


Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification <>.


HTML Standard <>.


SVG <>.


Touch Events <>.


DOM Document Type Definitions <>.


Atom DOM <>.


Document Object Model XPath <>.


manakai's DOM Perl Binding <>.


manakai DOM Extensions <>.




Wakaba <>.


Copyright 2012-2016 Wakaba <>.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.